“Our Divine Connection is heightened when we choose a sovereign path.”
In the beginning of this year, January 2022, I started on a painful and liberating journey. This journey would eventually begin, AGAIN, to change many relationships and connections I had in place for myself. And, interestingly, it all started with one word, SOVEREIGN.
At the beginning of every year, I like to pull in a new word for myself to live in, lean on, and be in relationship with, to learn from for the entire year. I learned this from Jon Gordon and his book “One Word” which a dear friend gave me in 2005. For me, I allow myself to be open to receiving the word, I allow the word to choose me. Some of my past words have been Wild (showed up for two years), Abundance, and Free. When Sovereign revealed itself to me this year, I was really surprised. This wasn’t a word I ever used in my vocabulary, not I word I heard often or even though about and didn’t even quite know what it actually meant.
Needless to say, as is the case with the “One Word” journey, the word begins to work on you and reveal to you where you needed it in your life. For me, I first started to see the places in my life where I was not sovereign. Meaning, I was lost or submerged in other people’s ideals, beliefs, ways of doing things and talking. For me, this felt like standing in a giant warehouse, that had been dark, and once the light was on realizing that I had filled the warehouse with “borrowed” items, items that weren’t even mine or I didn’t even like. The light getting turned revealed to me what I needed to start returning to its original owners. It was, quite honestly, a bit of gut punch. But it had to be. It was time to reclaim who I was and am. To reclaim my sovereignty in order to fulfill MY mission and MY impact and MY desires as I was, and am, intended to do so. I had to stand in the awareness that I was fulfilling others dream and desires by getting snared by people pleasing, saying a yes that wasn’t a full bodied yes, and ignoring my own intuitive nudges. Needless to say, this awareness and commitment to shifting it, led to some really tough conversations, lots of forgiveness of myself, releasing old ideals around worthlessness, and mostly creating a new relationship with my decisions and the way in which I reveal and speak truth.
I had to shed the old skin I was wearing in order to reveal my new skin that was hiding underneath.
What sovereignty was beckoning me to the entire time was to connect deeper with myself and to remember that my sovereignty is my connection to Divine. I began to see how sovereignty is a highly spiritual practice as it invites us to connect only with our divine intelligence when making choices and decisions as it relates to God and Divine Order. Our divine connection is heightened when we choose a sovereign path. It can be no other way. Sovereignty is a filter for one’s Divine Truth and Knowingness. In my willingness to stand alone and feel what was for me to feel, I deepened my connection to the Divine that is WITHIN me. I remembered how worthy I am of my own individualized connection to God and my angelic spiritual guidance. This spiritual practice now guides every decision I make, every word I speak, how I experience joy and sorrow, even how deeply I love myself and others. I have experienced more depths of emotions since claiming my sovereignty. I feel sorrow differently, and I experience joy and abundance is bolder ways, I love bigger and deeper, and I have more peace and humility with it all.
I am learning a new way of being in sovereignty every day. I am committed to staying in the learning and expansion of this new path. It has not been easy, and I am building the authentic muscles needed to remain sovereign in who I am and what I am in service of. It is getting more accessible, and I remember this higher path and who I have been all along.
I am well aware that we now live in a world that is a constant snare to get trapped in other’s ideals. And it’s this contrast that is so beautifully inviting us to stay connected to our own individual truths and perspectives. And to appreciate ALL the contrast that does exist. As I choose sovereignty for myself, I begin to silently celebrate when I see this same choice in others, consciously or unconsciously, choosing sovereignty for themselves. I see this in my children, in my siblings, in my mother. I see how my dad’s death was his own spiritual sovereign reclamation. I see it in friends, in businesses, in clients, in money, and even in the political structure. Much is evolving friends. And the greatest teacher of sovereignty, of anything as far as I am aware, is in the wild, in the purest essence of nature.
Here's the best I what I have to offer you now. Feel free to be inspired by any of this, but Beloved, don’t come with me. Remember your own sovereign path and live there. Claim your own truth and live it and speak it. Be willing to boldly step where you haven’t stepped before, but it has been calling you to do so. Live boldly in own Divine Fingerprint. Stand alone with yourself and be willing to go at it alone and know that your ripple will be your strongest influencer. I stand a sovereign being. I don’t need you to come with me because wherever I am, I am connected to you through my heart and my love. It is all that was ever needed to connect us. It is where we stand the brightest. Stand sovereign and feel me there.