What is Divine Authority?
What is Divine Authority? It is one’s own right to choose whatever path feels the most enlightened and free to one individuals’ passions and desires, to one’s individual truth. When one connects to his or her own heart space, the truth of the matter will be revealed. Always. It cannot be any other way. For the heart leads and the heart connects reality to spirit-reality. The heart is the convergence of divine force. Leading the way to spirit reality. Leading the way to truth.
Divine Authority is one’s own ability to trust in the higher authority of his / her own heart wisdom over the reality the is currently present in front of them. Divinity is a guidance system to all that is and all that will ever be. Divinity is one’s right to be free in spirit-reality. To choose the greater path of wisdom that goes beyond one’s own understanding. That even surpasses will. When one chooses to trust in their own divinity above reality and the present circumstances of “things” one then surpasses their own understanding and connects to the higher path of divine wisdom. Knowing isn’t the “know how”, knowing isn’t where the truth lies. Knowing is a deceiver of divinity. For knowing contradicts trust and heart wisdom. Having to know the path or to know the answer is the way of the head heart. It will allure you into an abyss of constant neediness and approval as if those where guideposts into your apparent path. The one path for you to follow is found within the heart space, beloved. Free yourself to your own Divine Knowingness. Where answers are not needed to get moving, where answers are not required in order to take the first step. Where answers are not required in order to trust that divine will guide you all ways into the path of freedom and love. Knowing that Divine Authority is within yourself and your own knowingness of your heart. To have authority of one’s own hear is the highest form of authority or sovereignty one can claim for himself or herself.
You are the Beloved, connected always to the Divine Grid of knowingness and love. You receive all that you open your beautiful heart to receive. Receiving is the path of knowingness, receiving is the juice the orange offers when you squeeze it and reveal its inner depth from the heart that grew from the tree of Divine Authority and Connection.
Divine Authority is one’s own right to choose the depth of their connection to reality or to the highest levels of love and light wisdom. Divinity is the connection to the source of love at its highest and purest, it is beyond form and is all of form. There is nowhere that Divinity is not. There is no one person that Divinity is not connected to and from.
A Divine Authoritarian is one who claim’s their stance in love and trust and reveals that knowingness through the words they speak and the love they share. One’s Divine Knowingness is revealed through each individual’s passion and wild play, it is revealed in how they experience joy. One is never disconnected from Divine Authority, even when they are experiencing suffering and pain, and even in the depth of sorrow. Feeling, in all of the ways that feeling presents itself is Divine’s subtle offering to return back to the heart, to the heart of knowingness, the higher heart beyond egoic comprehension.
There is a divine comprehension that surpasses all understanding and knowingness. Give in to this, it is yours already. Be free to all of the possibilities. Play in the creative joy that is yours. Know nothing. Free yourself from the neediness to know. Divine compassion will serve you and fill in the “gaps” of egoic emptiness. Empty to be filled, by divine compassion.
You, Beloved, are the way of love. It cannot be undone. All is Well, so well! You are trusted by the highest Divinity; you are invited you to trust in yourself and your own divine knowingness. Your divine guidance will show you the divine way, the way of your heart, the way of love. Get out of heady head and fall into your divine heart. Fall in love with your own misunderstandings. Fall into Divine Knowingness, stumble upon it, when you release the need to know and be open to trust. Trusting is your natural way, be open, remember the things that allow you to feel the most open and reclaim your authority in those places. Be free to be in your heart where all is given and received. Be open to it all, Beloved. Be open to it all. And this is where Divine Authority will be silently and undeniably claimed by your own sovereignty.
Divine Authority is your divine right and is the equal right of all others. When you connect to your own Divinity in this way, you begin to give permission to others to free themselves to their own Divinity. This is the new way of sovereignty, the way of freedom and love. Be your own Divine Authoritarian in the sacred path of your own divine heart and divine choosing.