My Story

I have served in the accounting industry for over 25 years.  My experience includes full accounting for small business, Corporate Accounting, Corporate Controller, and Accounting Manager for a Certified Public Accounting Firm.  I have also served as a yoga instructor for 14 years, been teaching paddle-board yoga classes for 7 years, and have been guiding Warrior Goddess workshops for women for 7 years.  And have been a With Heart™ Transformational Energy Coach for just under 1 year.  in July of 2018, as a single mom of two amazing kids, and without any plan in place other than desperation from another "dream job" failure, I started my own accounting / bookkeeping business.

While it didn't start out this way the vision of my business now is "Your Work is Your Divine Offering and Abundance is the Spiritual Reward"   

This has been my vision since July of 2019, which marked the first year that I had been in business for myself.  I created my business with the intention of bringing my own heart into the world of accounting.  Up until that point, I had always separated myself as a yoga instructor, spiritual being, energy conscious leader from how I would show up in the accounting offices.  I knew that creating my own business would be the only way I could bring all of me to work every day.  Oh my, the Divine had so much more in store for me!!!!

My first year of business really opened my eyes to so much within myself as well as my clients.  First of all, I had to stand in my own beliefs of lack and my own fear of abundance and leadership and how these were impacting my own success in business and life (can easily happen when starting a business from desperation).  As I begun the work to transform these beliefs for myself, I began to see how many other business owners were living each day in their business with these same limitations.  I have repeatedly seen how living with these limiting beliefs will block the success of your business, blocking the flow abundance.  I have worked with extremely talented individuals whose talents are impactful and their intentions are to serve the planet.  And I have seen so many of these beautiful well-intentioned individuals and business fall short of their full potential because of confusion and mis-aligned energy.  And what I learned through walking the steps myself, is we can not pour from an empty cup.  We must do the work for ourselves in order to transform our own relationship with abundance which can then transform our business, our leadership, our relationships, and our capacity for capacity for giving and receiving love.  

Just after the first year in business, I started seeing and feeling the vision of this program.   I started to see how a person can be AMAZING at their skillset but if their energy around their financials or energy with money is mis-aligned or lacking clarify, it will significantly impact abundance and prosperity.  Just six months into feeling into a program that would align Heart and Abundance in business, I made a life changing decision.  I was guided to start working with Natalie Ehmke, the creator and found of  WithHeart Transformational Energy Coaching.  Like I said, the work in within us first, and the Divine was ready to let me experience this first before teaching it to others.  I became the best student for the abundance program that would later reveal itself.  I spent an entire year working with my coach to transform my own beliefs and my limitations.  Without intending for this to happen, within months of doing my own work, I began to experience greater abundance than I had ever believed for myself.  I wasn’t trying for it, but I realized I was now free and open to receiving it.   This was the inspiration to become a Transformational Energy Coach myself.  I know this was the pivotal piece needed for the Heart Centered Abundance Program.  I knew that I wanted to give the same transformation of energy that I had experienced to my clients to allow them to expand their own abundance.  


Lose yourself only to find your true self