When pain becomes Poetic, the healing begins.
When pain becomes poetic, the healing has begun.
To be a human on this planet is to step in to the mortal experience of experiencing feelings and sensations in contrast to our divine nature of love and joy. While pain can be experienced in physical sensations, the pain I am referring to here is the feeling or internal sensation of pain. That pain in your heart space when love is unrequited, or love ends, or love transcends mortality. The pain that you experience in your gut from the pain of betrayal, abandonment, denial, or rejection. The pain that feels as though it seeps from your pours and blood melting from an open wound and yet invisible to the third-dimensional eye. This is the pain we carry in our bodies, on the inside where it feels to most invasive, and leaves the biggest energetic impression.
However, in all of the ways that this energetic pain is experienced, and in the different ways that pain is felt, pain has one thing in common with all other pain; when we ruminate in the pain long enough to the point that we are no longer willing to allow it’s overtaking, we began to express the pain. We begin to speak of it, we begin to write of it, we begin see it through the lens of the camera, we begin to draw paintings of it, we begin to run it out on the streets, or punch it out, or move it out through dance, or we begin to simply allow the tears to fall that represent the degree of pain we have tolerated until that very moment that tears make its long-awaited departure. This is the point, the point where we are able to express this pain, that is begins to be poetic, a beautiful and exquisite release. The pain then becomes a divine expression of how you feel and how you release and how you create.
And when pain is able to become poetic, the healing has begun. When we allow ourselves to release the pain to an external expression, rather that continue to internally arm wrestle with it, then, and only then, can the real healing begin.
Beloved Warrior, I share with you only what my own pain has taught me. For I have had these words churning within me for sometime now, however, I couldn’t express them until I was ready to move and shift what I know no longer serves my highest good. I share with you the permission to move your pain, rather than stay in, to express your pain through your own poetic expression. For pain will always guide us to some greater version of ourselves, but only if we allow it. Allow your pain to become poetic rather than the searing agony you choose to stay in every day. For poetry, in all of its divine forms, is a divine tool that is ready to hold your pain so you can be free of it.
Release your pain, Warrior. Release it to a divine expression and then enjoy the poetic release of the shackles you are not meant to hold to. Free yourself to your sovereign divine expression and let it guide you to the highest and most beautiful expression of who you have always been.